Home Studi Emigrazione – marzo 2003 – n.149

Studi Emigrazione – marzo 2003 – n.149

Nr/Anno: 149/2003
Editore: Centro Studi Emigrazione
Autore: Centro Studi Emigrazione
Sintesi volume:

The quest for migration governability in Latin America

Migration policies in Latin America have followed similar stages in different countries. From the encouragement of massive immigration at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries, through the restriction derived from the 1929 crisis and then the Second World War, to the selective promotion during the postwar period and the rela­tively open approach to intraregional and extraregional migration in the last decades, the generalised concern from Governments focused on how to manage the flows arriving in their respective countries, with an explicit disregard of those nationals who decided to live abroad.
The decade ofthe ’90s has dramatically changed the orientation of migration flows, exponentially increasing Latinamerican emigration and, therefore, altering the governmental and civil society perception of the phenomenon and the policies on the matter.
Changes in migration flows have in turn taken place within the context of a migration “governability crisis” in which the State unilat­era! answers are insufficient, giving rise to several bilatera! and multi­lateral agreements as alternatives towards concerted governability of the phenomenon.

Paole chiave: manodopera, immigrati, America Latina, lavoratori, Abruzzo, non comunitari, Trento, regolarizzazione


Governability crisis and new migration policies in Latin America, Lelio Marmara
Bilateral Agreements on Labour Migration in South America. Tools far Migration Governability?, Jorge Gurrieri
La movilidad de trabajadores en la agenda del Mercosur,
Nora Pérez Vichich
Movilidad de los trabajadores en los Paises Andinos. Historia de un proceso, Luis A. Bogado-Poisson
The Regional Conference on Migration. Its evolution and current security context: the war on terrorism and human rights, Manuel Angel Castillo
The favorites of the Twenty-First Century: Latin American Immigration in Spain, Antonio Izquierdo Escribano, Diego L6pez de Lera, Raquel Martinez Bujan
Immigrazione P. territorio in Abruzzo, Luigi Gaffuri, Franco Pittau, Paul Scutti
L’immigrazione non comunitaria in provincia di Trento. Una ras­segna degli indicatori di presenza e di inclusione, Paolo Boccagni
L’Italia e il fabbisogno di manodopera immigrata nel 2001, Franco Pittau, Ugo Melchionda, Franco Bentivogli, Felice Nicodemi
Gli aspetti controversi della regolarizzazione dei lavoratori stra­nieri in Italia, Paola Scevi
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