Home Studi Emigrazione – giugno 1994 – n.114

Studi Emigrazione – giugno 1994 – n.114

Nr/Anno: 114/1994
Editore: Centro Studi Emigrazione
Autore: Centro Studi Emigrazione
Sintesi volume:

Towards further harmonisation? Migration policy in the European Union
International migration emerged as an important component in the process of economie expansion and liberalisation whieh took piace in western Europe after the second world war. Whether as migrant-receivers (north-western Eu­rope) or as migrant-senders (southern Europe), ali states became linked into an expanding migration “system” which soon extended beyond the region, incor­porating former colonies and other states to the south and to the east. A generai clamp-down on foreign labour recruitment followed the oil crisis in 1973, but immigration continued, dominated during the 1970s and early 1980s by family reunion, and after the mid-1980s by undocumented “economie” immigration and asylum inflows – the latter involving not only the longer-standing “receiving” states of north-western Europe, but also what had been the “sending” states of southern Europe.

Paole chiave: Politiche migratorie, Europa, Mediterraneo, Australia, seconde generazioni, Sud Australia, sociale, linguistico, Calabria, America, multiculturalismo, minoranza, transdisciplinare


Politiche migratorie in Europa, pag. 210
Toward further harmonisation? Migration policy in the European Union, Sarah Collinson, pag. 210
Le migrazioni nel Mediterraneo: i cordoni sanitari e il rifiuto dell’alterità, Bichara Khader, pag. 238
Italiani in Australia
Le italiane nelle campagne d’Australia: “un cuore e una capanna”, Helen Andreoni, pag. 251
A change of image: The impact of Italy on young second-generation Italians in South Australia, Desmond O’Connor, pag. 269
Aspetti sociali e linguistici dell’emigrazione cala­brese in Australia, Nicodemo Misiti, pag. 285
Baschi in America
Los Vascos en el siglo XIX. América en sus planes, Marcelino Iriani, pag. 309
Note e discussioni, pag. 327
Pour un new deal européen sur l’immigration, Solon Ardittis, Stany Grudzielski, pag. 327
Ethnic leadership and the state in Europe: A research challenge for the 90’s and beyond, Marco Martiniello, pag. 331
Resoconti, pag. 340
Verso una coesistenza multiculturalista delle mino­ranze: una lettura transdisciplinare, Massimo Furlani, pag. 340
Recensioni, pag. 349
Segnalazioni, pag. 378
Libri ricevuti, pag. 392