Home IV International Catholic Migration Congress – Integration of the Cattolic immigrant – International Congress (20th-25th August) 1960 – Part.1

IV International Catholic Migration Congress – Integration of the Cattolic immigrant – International Congress (20th-25th August) 1960 – Part.1

Rivista: International Catholic Migration Congress
Nr/Anno: 1/1960
Editore: Giunta Cattolica Italiana per l’Emigrazione
Autore: Catholic Institute for social – ecclesiastical research
Sintesi volume:

The Sovereign Pontiff has learned with paternal interest that the Fourth Intemational Catholic Migration Congress will be held in Ottawa, August 21- 26, 1960; and, it is at His august command that I inform you that He has benignly acceded to the petition of the Preparatory Committee requesting His Apostolic Blessing on the sessions of the Congress.


9 – Message of the Holy Father to the Congress
11 – Message du Saint-Pere au Congres
13 – Members of the Supreme Council for Emigration
15 – Members of the Council of the International Catholic Migration Commission
17 – Catholic Immigrant Services _ Board of Directors
17 – Congress Preparatory Committee
18 – Comité Consultatif du Congrès
20 – Reception Committee in Canada
22 – Program of the Congress
26 – Programme du Congrès
30 – Compte rendu du Congrès
37 – Proceedings of the Congress