International Catholic Migration Congress – n. 5 ( II° Working Group)
Biblioteca Digitale » International Catholic Migration Congress – n. 5 ( II° Working Group)
The purpose of this publication is to give a report on the International Catholic Migration Congress which was held in Breda, the Netherlands, from September 12 to 16, 1954.
121 – 26. The successive stages of Migrants processing by Mr. Mogens Cordt Moller
125 – 27. L’Emigration vue du Pays de l’Immigration par MONS. AALBINO MENSA
130 – 28. Information, Preparation, Selection by dr. J.F. Van Campen
137 – 29. Die Auswanderung aus Deutschland, von DR W MENGES
176 – 30. The Extent, Nature and Circumstances of the emigration fron Ireland and the Work of the Catholic Social Welfare Bureau fpr Irosh Catholic Emigrants by DR. H. GRAY
186 – 31. Selezione, Informazione, Preparazione professionale degli Emigranti, per il ON. F. STORCHI
189 – 32. The need of International Understannding in Solving Emigration Difficulties by MR M. CARUANA
193 – 33. Preparazione Culturale e Linguistica degli Emigranti per il DR: RODOLFO DE NEGRI DI SAN PIETRO
194 – 34. Emigrazione dei Artigiani e Operai Specializzati, per il prof. FR. CANTUTI CASTELVETRI
196 – 35. De Emigratie uit Nederland in de periode 1947 tot en met 1953, door DR W.J.J. Kusters en DR. JOS F. VAN CAMPEN