III International Catholic Migration Congress – n. 2 (22 sett. 1957) -Exsul Familia and functions of Catholic Organizations
Biblioteca Digitale » III International Catholic Migration Congress – n. 2 (22 sett. 1957) -Exsul Familia and functions of Catholic Organizations
Rivista: International Catholic Migration Congress
Nr/Anno: 2/1957
Editore: Giunta Cattolica Italiana per l’Emigrazione
Autore: Catholic Institute for social – ecclesiastical research
Sintesi volume:
The theme, which the goodness and the wisdom of the eminent organizers of this Catholic international Congress for Emigration has kindly assigned to me, affords me an excellents opportunity to examine and, at the same time, (…)
Paole chiave: Terzo Congresso Internazionale Cattolico delle Migrazioni, Exsul Familia, Catholic Organizations
2 – Exsul Familia and functions of Catholic Organizations
5 – International Organizations
9 – National Organizations
13 – Diocesan and Parochial Organizations