Home Studi Emigrazione – settembre -1991 – n.103

Studi Emigrazione – settembre -1991 – n.103

Nr/Anno: 103/1991
Editore: Morcelliniana
Autore: Centro Studi Emigrazione
Sintesi volume:

The idea of organizing an Advanced Seminar in North American History on “Religion and Ethnicity in the United States and Canada” carne to Giovanni Pizzorusso, Matteo Sanfilippo and myself, as we realized that, while working on the “religious” side of North American history, we were constantly faced by the category of “ethnicity”, at least from the last two decades of the eighteenth century. For her part, Maria Susanna Garroni, who had unti! then mainly worked on “ethnicity”, had come to the same conclusion from the apposite side. As we were ali based on the European side of the Atlantic Ocean, however, it seemed to us that often Canadian historians, and even more so American historians, tended to limit themselves to the experiences of their respective countries, and had few opportunities to compare their experiences.

Paole chiave: Religione, etnicità, Stati Uniti, Nord America, immigrazione, storiografia, Canada, Italica Gens, fede, patria, associazionismo, Buffalo, parrocchie, emigrazione ebraica, Trieste, New York, Filadelfia


Religion and Ethnicity in the United States and Canada. Advanced Seminar in North American History(Rome, 7-9March 1991),Luca Codignola, pag. 289
The State of the Art
Religione e immigrazione negli USA: riflessioni sulla storiografia, Gianfausto Rosoli, pag. 291
Religion and ethnicity in Canadian historiogra­phy, Terrence Murphy, pag. 305
Fede e patria: the “Italica Gens” in the United States and Canada, 1908-1936. Notes for the history of an emigration association, Silvano M. Tomasi, pag. 319
The Italian American catholic parish in the early twentieth century. A view from Waterbury, Con­necticut, Ferdinando Fasce, pag. 342
Italian parishes in a burgeoning city: Buffalo, 1880-1920, Maria Susanna Garroni, pag. 351
Jewish emigration from Trieste to the United States after 1938, with special reference to New York, Philadelphia, and Wilmington, Ellen Ginzburg Migliorino, pag. 369