Home Studi Emigrazione n°218/2020

Studi Emigrazione n°218/2020

Studi Emigrazione 218/2020

Edited by / a cura di Jason Zuidema – Kevin Walker

We are pleased and honoured to be guest-editing this issue of Studi Emigrazione.
Even before we learned that an issue would be dedicated to our 50th anniversary conference, we were already thankful for ICMA’s close relationship to the Scalabrinian Congregation through our many shared members (some of whom have contributed here), and above all through Fr Bruno Ciceri, the architect of this conference and an inspiration to many of us, especially those of us indebted to his advocacy for fishers’ welfare. There were so many excellent, passionate presentations given on ministry to seafarers, fishers, and their families in Kaohsiung, and we are very pleased to be able to publish some of them here for posterity and for sharing with other ministries to migrants. For those reading who serve migrants in other ways, we hope that you find these articles on maritime ministry informative and applicable to your own work. Grateful as we are for all the wisdom shared in the presentations here presented as articles, we hope that through the articles might shine through that which we most valued in this conference, the fellowship that was felt in the question times after the presentations, the group excursions, and the conversations over meals. The conference was an opportunity not only to teach each other and be taught, but to rejoice in being united in a shared purpose, saying with the Holy Spirit, «Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brethren dwell together in unity!» (Psalm 133).